Importing Translated Data

Import translated text from a specified file into game data.


# local game data (windows)
Charon.exe DATA I18N IMPORT --dataBase "c:\my app\gamedata.json" --input "c:\my app\character_loc.xliff" --inputFormat xliff

# remote game data
Charon.exe DATA I18N IMPORT --dataBase "" --input "./character_loc.xliff" --inputFormat xliff --credentials "<API-Key>"



Absolute or relative path to game data. Use quotation marks if your path contains spaces.

# local file
--dataBase "c:\my app\gamedata.json"

# remote server
--dataBase ""

The API key used to access remote server in case of –dataBase being URL.


A list of types of documents (schemas) to import. By default all schemas EXCEPT metadata are imported.

  • Use space to separate multiple schemas.

  • You can use wildcards (*) at the beginning and end of names.

  • You can use identifiers in {} instead of names.

  • You can exclude certain names by using an exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of their names.

# schema name
--schemas Character
--schemas Character Item

# all (default)
--schemas *

# masks
--schemas Char*
--schemas *Modifier
--schemas *Mod*

# schema id
--schemas {18d4bf318f3c49688087dbed}

# negation
--schemas Char* !Character
--schemas !*Item*

Path to a file with data to import. Alternatively, you can use Standart Input or URL.

See input data structure requirements.

# standart input (default)
--input in
--input con

# absolute path (windows)
--input "c:\my app\input.json"

# absolute path (unix)
--input /user/data/input.json

# relative path (universal)
--input "./input.json"

# remote location (HTTP)
--input ""

# remote location with authentication (FTP)
--input ""

Format of imported data.

# Auto-detect by extension (default)
--inputFormat auto

# XLIFF v2
--inputFormat xliff
--inputFormat xliff2

# XLIFF v1
--inputFormat xliff1

# XSLX Spreadsheet
--inputFormat xslx

Additional options for specified format.


Allows you to run the command without actually making any changes to the game data, providing a preview of what would happen.

This command supports universal parameters.