Universal parameters

All commands accept universal parameters and environment variables.


Set this flag to get additional diagnostic information in logs.

--log <path>

Add additional file logging to the existing logging configuration from appsettings.json.

--log "./logs/charon.log"
--log out

Add additional terminal (standard output) logging to the existing logging configuration from appsettings.json.

--log out
# or
--log con

Wait for user prompt before the application exits.

Environment variables

In addition to the standard configuration redefinition mechanism using environment variables, the following environment variables are also supported.


The API key which is used to access the remote server. This environment variable is usually used in conjunction with --dataBase, which points to a remote server.

# Windows
set CHARON_API_KEY=87758CC0D7C745D0948F2A8AFE61BC81

# OSX or Linux
export CHARON_API_KEY=87758CC0D7C745D0948F2A8AFE61BC81