Pick List

PickList is a data type used to define a list of pre-defined options for a property. It allows the user to select only one option from the given list. The options can be defined as a string, and the list can contain any number of options.

PickList data type is commonly used to define properties such as gender, language, or country, where there are a limited number of options to choose from. It provides a convenient way to standardize the data, and also helps to prevent errors or inconsistencies in the data.

For example, in a game where the player can choose a character class, the PickList data type can be used to define the available options, such as “Warrior,” “Mage,” or “Rogue.” This ensures that the player can only choose from the available options and helps to prevent invalid inputs.

C# Type

enum based on System.SByte, System.Int16, System.Int32, System.Int64


May be checked for uniqueness.


32 or 64bit


1 // internaly stored as integers
"Apple" // string values also valid